Dear Puesta del Sol Community,
Happy New Year! The PTA Board would like to thank our amazing volunteers for a wonderful Fall. With your help, we have accomplished so much together!
Back in September, we threw a huge welcome back to school Ice Cream Social! So many families not only showed up to have fun and meet each other, but countless volunteers helped with planning, set-up, ice cream distribution, clean-up, and more.
A few weeks later, we turned around and hosted the our first Walkathon in the new school building. Our records show that over 100 fabulous volunteers helped out before and during the event!
In October, in addition to most of our classroom volunteer activities ramping up, we threw another huge party for Pumpkin Bash! So many volunteers helped with trunk or treat, the dance party and donating and selling concessions.
In November, we worked together to raise over $22,000 in our Big Give. Volunteers gave out reminder stickers, collected envelopes, and helped remind parents to turn in their forms.
In December, we threw our first ever Winter Fair. Volunteers helped plan, set-up, clean-up, make sure our vendors had all their needs met, and made sure this event was a resounding success.
Every week, I see volunteers at school helping in the classrooms, checking books in and out during library times, assisting with Before & After school programs, showing up with balls for recess, prepping materials for teachers, showing up for planning meetings, and more. Every month, I see Art Appreciation and Passport volunteers helping to enrich our children's education.
These are just the easy-to-spot volunteers! Kudos as well to all the adults working behind the scenes, from running our website, to our El Sol Editor, to my fellow Board Members, and so many more people. What you do to support our students, families, and staff matters!
Last, but never least, a special thank you to all our teachers and staff who go above and beyond their job descriptions every single day--we see you and we appreciate you.
The dedication and compassion of our community astounds me. I can't wait to see what we will accomplish together the rest of our school year.
With Gratitude,
Holly Ellis-Brown
Puesta del Sol PTA President